International Conference on Men's Issues (2018)

Daniel Storey, writer of the Football365 piece, gloats over the Birmingham City FC decision to terminate the ICMI18 contract


Our thanks to John for tracking down the apparent author of the Football365 piece, a trashy piece containing errors and misleading statements, which seemingly resulted in Birmingham City FC inadvisedly terminating the contract for ICMI18, despite having no legal grounds to do so. The article didn’t contain the author’s name – a sure sign of cowardice – but we believe it to be Daniel Storey. His Twitter account is @DanielStorey85, his tweets relating to ICMI18 are here. He writes:

Pleased that Birmingham City have now responded to this by banning the organisation from St Andrew’s. A good ending.

On a lighter note, you may recall that I made some remarks in the video about being pleased that Birmingham City FC are known as The Blues, because that was apt for a men’s rights conference, ‘blue for boys, pink for girls, as nature intended’. It was a throwaway remark which some humourless people have objected to. Daniel Storey is clearly among their number, and he tweets:

It’s a wonder blue tits haven’t died out, what with them all being male.

The man’s a blithering idiot. Blue tits are a species, and both males and females have some blue plumage. If they’re all male, how does he imagine they breed?

